Rules Of The Game

"the unconventional tackle matters in the only way they know how"

"Who made the rules?" he asked her. "We should make our own instead."He said as eccentricity drew her into his bed."I take your point," she told him as they talked about their writing.And took a break to ponder matters equally...

Just You

"Wanting to please you."

I'm wanting YouNaked this bright night.Eager to give you pleasureAs your wishes might.Wanting to explore every curveOf you before my very sight.I want to devour you, but an urge I fightAs my wanting of you is my right,Taking your pussy...


"Cumming by your words"

Each word I readCaressed my mindIgniting fireHellacious kind.°The letters danceSeducing meI can't resistIn each degree.°In every verseI feel pleasureBuilding up moreBeyond measure.°Put in stanzasThey give a pledgeAnticipateI'm on the edge.°I read some moreI can not stopIt made me removeMy bottoms...

Horny at the Nude Bathhouse

"Uncontrollable Public, Naked Female Arousal"

Desperately looking for a way to release,to bring my body and mind peace.Bring an end to these uncontrollable urges,Every single time I cum it just reemerges.Thoughts are aggressively sexual and obscene,consuming me, but they bring the dopamine.Overcome with intense arousal,...

If Absence Makes The Heart Grow Strong

"Hoping and Praying that the saying in the title and in this rhyming song of a poem is true."

If absence makes the heart grow strong,you should really love me now,for I haven't seen you for so long,even though I still know how. How I've missed your bedroom smile,and your eyes of cobalt blue,and even though it's been awhile,since I've...

Sadness sweeps,hurt slowly creepseverything begins to crumble.To prevent demise,smiles: clever disguise,a saviour from the stumble.On sorrow's brink,this flood could sink it all, what was revered.Secrets have marredthat reality: now tarred,instead overthrown by fear.The silence scars,through verbal spars,please, disengage all pretences.More...