You are sleeping alone again, tossing and turning with broken dreams, unable to rest easy. Waking with a start, you feel something cold touching your face. You start to lift, but before you can, a cloth hood is pulled over...
My Husband’s Secret
"How will I respond?"
My mind tries to comprehend what my eyes see. Trembling hands hold the phone as I continue to stare at the videos, as if they will magically change. They don't. Then, my heart drops down to my toes as I...
Kathy’s Secret
"Kathy’s stash of masturbation toys are discovered by her husband."
Dan was becoming frustrated because he had been searching the house for the last thirty minutes looking for batteries. They always kept spare batteries. After all, they had two children who seemed to constantly need to replace used batteries. Dan...
With trembling fingers, he began to pack his large suitcase. First, he started with some of the silkiest and sexiest lingerie in his extensive collection. At least a half dozen silk and lace bikini panties along with tiny silky thongs were placed...
A Bookish Love Story
"she wanted him, as a man, and wanted him now."
The dream had returned--so had the eyes. They hovered in an angry sky just above the horizon, seeing everything but focusing on nothing.Amy knew those eyes—knew a time when they’d been filled with happiness and a love of life....
Have Mercy
"I was in control, until I was not."
For just a guy with rope...Lost in delusionsI once assumed A certainty of selfThis is where I beginThis is where I endThis is where I standWho I amNow with My feet tucked beneath meRelieved of the weightOf my own beingOn my knees before...
Anna and Sam. Chapter 28
"“You are a Psychiatrist, Helen. It is your job to 'cure' my sick mind...""
I opened my eyes and looked at the attractive but serious face which was watching me from the chair beside my bed. “I didn't see or hear anything as I ran,” I told her. “I didn't notice the man I...
Wendy’s Weekend – Part 2 – A Satisfying Solution?
"Loving wife makes a brave decsion and finds more than one big surprise awaits"
Jamie had already gone to work when I dragged myself down to the kitchen and drank the first of many cups of strong coffee before starting my day. My implant was messing with my hormones badly; my face and chest...
Raising College Money
"He refuses to pay his daughter's college fee. She finds a way to raise her own money."
“Bye, Dad! I'm going to school,” my daughter shouted, “and don't stay in bed all too long, you hear me?” A few frustrated groans no one could hear left my throat before I turned around and tried to enjoy a...
Sisterhood of Sin — 13 — The Cousin Who Isn’t
"Our heroine unearths a treasure trove of sinful history."
My positive experience with caging my husband's cock in chastity and spanking his plugged ass has me on a sexual high for several days. I make love to him, and I mean really make love several times each day during...