Whispers in the Dark: The Socialite’s Secret

"In a city where desire and danger entwine, an intricate dance of obsession unravels the truth behind a socialite’s murder, revealing the seductive power of our deepest cravings."

Chapter 1: The Crimson LureThe city awoke to whispers of scandal and shock, a fresh crime scene that had everyone from the street vendors to the high-rise executives buzzing with morbid curiosity. The victim was a prominent socialite, found lifeless...

Everyone screamed. Some screamed louder or longer than others, but we all cried out. Eventually, only a few sounds remained: Heather’s keening wail in the kitchen, Mari’s sobs, Tyler’s stream of profanities, and Lakshmi’s renewed, desolate moans. The heartbeat pounding...

Captured emotions

"Pictures are meant to replace a thousand words; even that is not enough to explain the road I took after capturing a single photo"

Pictures are meant to replace a thousand words; even that is not enough to explain the road I took after capturing a single photo. Lost in a pile of limbs, sweaty by the consumption of passion, and feeling more alive...

The Wedding Caterer – Part 4

"Colin and Patrice's affair continues and there is a surprise development"

Colin Middleditch, aged sixty, had not seen his twenty-five-year-old lover Patrice Simmonds since she left his hotel room on Wednesday morning although they had exchanged several hot texts and had had a couple of phone conversations.As with most affairs, the...


"Attending an occasion she never thought she'd have to, thoughts flow and discoveries are made."

Shame.That’s what you must’ve felt every time you met up with me. You claimed the way you looked at me is how you once looked at your wife, but I highly doubt it. With her, I bet it was true...

Toni Encounters Greg

"A thirty-something crossdresser encounters a workmate whilst dressed, with surprising results."

Anthony Lorimer was aged in his early thirties. Over the last year or so, he had progressed from occasionally putting on his now estranged wife's underwear when she was not at home, to the stage that he was now at...