“Her?” my husband asked, his sexy, manly face smiling roguishly, those gray-rimmed eyes of his piercing my soul while simultaneously sending erotic tingles to my clit. “That’s easy. She was masturbating right before she came here.”“Really?”“Yes. It’s obvious. Note the...
restaurant flash
Wigged Out: Part 3
"Blond fury. She who cheats last, cheats loudest."
My public exhibitionism and sexual endeavors were just the beginning. As the weeks passed, Lana became more deeply entrenched in my conscious self, Louise retreating further into the bowels of my mind. I attempted, daily, to vanquish the oversexed, blond...
Sherry in Public
"At the Restaurant"
Sherry and I have become an adventurous couple in the last couple of months. It all began one evening when we went to dinner at the local Chili’s Restaurant, right across the street from the football stadium at the local...