"Bet you didn't expect me."Kat had taken a one hour detour to get here. It was just something on her list, and long overdue. Today was as good a day as any."To be honest, no. Who are you again?""Ha ha."He...
Box of Sorrow
"Something sad to hide away"
There's a box beneath my bed, Full of words I never said,Letters that I wrote in vain,Wrapped in ribbon, tied in pain.Every night, I hear it call,From the shadows, down the hall,A whisper from the past, so clear,A melody of every...
This Might Be a Mistake
"I pick up my ex from the airport and things quickly get out of hand."
We broke up about a year ago but a friendship is kept alive through the love we share for the pets that are now mine since you travel for work which makes owning pets impossible since your new man can't...
When Yesterdays Fade
"Danielle learns that life is far more than waiting for the curtain to fall."
Though her voice creaked like the worn armchair in which she sat, Elsie still had a piercing gaze that conveyed a playful sharpness within. "Sit with me, child."I stopped folding the sheets and perched on the edge of the bed...
Did I Just Do That?
"It's odd, looking back, how easy it is to just...forget."
When my twenties ended, so did my relationship with a complete slag of a woman that I affectionately refer to as "HatchetSnatch."I, then, began a period of dating...aggressively. or, sexually acting out. It's unclear. I moved back to my hometown....
“Crete” – Chapter 11:- “Morning Ruminations”
"The first talk of the day between the couple..."
I woke up at seven am, Ashley was still asleep next to me, but my first thoughts were of Sarah.Was she okay? I carefully extracted myself from Ashley’s arms and slipped on my boxers, followed by my shirt; then picked...
I Am
"She said, "I do.""
Years awaitedLove to and fromIt doesn't matterToday has come.°Again, my loveI watch you smileFunny and charmingThat's your style.°On the altarYou are admiredDream weddingAs you desired.°All the loveWith your verveYou shall getYou deserve.°Chic curvesClad in whiteLooking stunningFrom form to height.°Raven locksYour...
Winter Love Part 4
"Leslie gets a gift"
A couple of months passed since the initial book club meeting. Julia and Leslie got together when they could. They attended the book club meetings regularly. Nothing significant happened at any of the meetings as far as flirtations or special...
Montana to L.A. Chapter 3
"Jordan and Emma go on a date"
Janelle woke early, Kelsey still sleeping peacefully next to her. She managed to slip out from underneath her young lover without waking her. Her thoughts tormented her about what she'd done the night before. She contemplated taking a shower; instead...