Neighbors – Friends – Lovers

"Ben discovers that the woman next door is in dire need of sexual attention."

Ben Nelson was a quiet, handsome man. He was fifty-five years old and had lived alone for twenty-five years. At twenty-three, he obtained an advanced engineering degree. He went to work for a firm that designed and installed security systems...


"A woman is recovering from a serious car accident. She'll be fine, but for now she's still blindfolded and immobilized by casts..."

Ivy was completely unprepared for the incident. In one moment, she was driving to work, gathering her notes for an upcoming interview. The next, the large trailer to her left blew a tire, lost control, and crushed her light car....

Oli, Rebecca And Sophie – Book 3 Part 3

"Dungeons and Demons to Slay - The story reaches its climactic conclusion."

Part Nine & Finalé: The Parting Of The WaysThe two masked men dragging Sophie to her new temporary accommodations were growing tired of being kicked by the rebellious young spitfire, so they paused their march to her room.  Instead of...

The Beauty of Broken Things: Part Two

"A single photograph can save a life and heal hearts"

Chapter Six: The Girl that was not Quite TessaThe snow had begun to fall in earnest long before Tessa reached the first streetside motel she could find, somewhere down Brooklyn Bridge Boulevard. Though not a large dog, the weight of...

The Beauty of Broken Things: Part One

"A single photograph can save a life and heal hearts"

Chapter One: The Beauty of Broken ThingsKelso paused for the shot, because it was perfect. It was not the bridge over the river, cloaked in a rolling autumn fog, and it was not the distant, hazy forms of the buildings,...

The Post-Partum Blues

"a woman tries to recover her sexual self after child birth"

 My husband and I decided we were ready to start a family. In planning for this event, I had decided that I wanted a midwife to attend me at the birth of our first child. My husband was dubious but...

She can't resist him. Few can. Words seduce. Hands manipulate. Cock silences ... her guilt.Snared by the devil, she enjoys his fuck. His cock reaches new lengths fueled by fresh pussy. Untried nipples harden by his bite. An untested ass stings from his...