The music drowned out the sound of the storm. Bittersweet songs tinged with hope that was just out of reach filling the cab of my beat-up pick-up truck as the windshield wipers fought a losing battle against the torrent that...
The march is in full swing with Charles Parker in the middle, surrounded by a crowd of overjoyed people. Some just walking, some dancing to the jolly music that comes blasting from several mobile boom-boxes, some chanting along. While it's...
It's her body's mysterious calligraphy,a flourish of what marks have made herĀ into the feverish form folding and unfolding,humming as if the body is being sung to,some tender coda reaching past singed nervesand stars swarming against a gathering darkness.Closer to the...
She belongs to herself.And when she patiently opensthe entire universe before meit's almost too much to take at once.It's the moment before a supernova,before the raw matter of us isĀ seared by celestial bliss we werenever meant to really understandWe can...
It will always begin here.I watch your breath come back,mist riding the moonlight,a beautiful cry swallowedinto the deep dark night watchingyou slowly return to yourself.The small flash in your eyes,of everything between usand how such a small flare seemstoo tiny...
I want to remember you this way,slowly pulling into the night untethered,silken hair still dancing in December wind,eyes always tinged not with lovebut something almost as sweet.Earlier we were drinking in wineand all the songs that I can'tĀ confess always make...
I don't yet know what onceĀ opened and marked you forever,like kissing the glyphs of a lost languageso quietly trying to tell my lips something.The beautiful lines of a map,gliding across and inside your skin.Beyond that permanent border,my tongue trespasses lower,Ā closer...
Afterwards we seem to stray togethertowards some shapeless dreamĀ of beautiful echoes and vaporand the smallest details now seemĀ to be more important than ever.Your silhouette in the alarm clock's glowshowing random freckles across your backlike marks made on a vague map,hair...
It's a dangerous borderline.We're riding some rapturous tide,I'd call it a featherweight blissĀ you'll always seal with a kiss,something I can only describewhen the moment blooms.Before we made it to your room,the city shimmered all around youas if trying to tell...
I can taste so much in your skin,Ā the faint sweetness in the dusk wind,the tears you've shed in secret,a memory of soft earth and honeysuckleand your natural mysterious nectar.The fleshy pearl beckoning,already swollen with anticipationjust from the heat of an...