As my world spins

"Written on an emotional election night...whether you smiled or cried...may God bless us all."

Kneeling at his feet, Cheek resting on his knee, Quiet and inhaling his peace, While outside the banshees scream. Hatred bubbles and roils, Tempests howl and rage, Shrieks of anger and of bitterness, The inmates rattle their cage. His hand...

Tell Me


tell me as you whisper into her ear does she bend her neck so you can kiss it and curl her toes in need tell me as you touch her breast does she arch her back so your lips can...

Two Girl Fuck Competition

"The sexual competition between two girls heats up to a steamy crescendo."

(episode 25) This follows “My Senior Year: The First Tailgate Party.”It was after the first football weekend when I had hooked up with both Mary Beth and Jennifer, that I discovered that both girls wanted much more from me. Much...

Now I Know

"Inspired by a backstabbing bitch I thought I could trust with my life. Thanks you help me write."

I can rhyme in every way,I can rhyme more everyday.But nothing shows the pain I've trodden,The tears upon the sheets are sodden.How could you do this,I was close to a kiss,I thought I knew you,But with the wind you blew.Far...