Dorm Life: Ben, Helping Out Khole

"Ben learns how important it is for coworkers to help each other out"

When Ben finally returned to work the following weekend. He took his usual spot back in the storage room, shoulder deep in stacks of boxes. Apparently, the store had gotten way behind with inventory over the past week, and Ben...

Diary of a High Price Escort Book 19

"Angel is back from Cancun and takes a few days off to get back into the flow of things."

The distinctive sound of rubber striking concrete and the instantaneous pressure of my stomach against the seat belt, when the pilot engaged the reverse thrust to bring the airliner to a safe stop, signaled my arrival home from an incredible...

Luna Launch

"Hanging out with his NASA neighbor is rewarding enough, but his busty daughter Luna has her own thanks to offer."

It was a lazy day.  A little after lunch, I forced myself to knuckle down and go through one of the online training courses my uncle had put on my plate.  I knew most of it from working for him...