Looking back, I couldn't help but smile as I drove home from David's flat. Our time together had rejuvenated our relationship, and I was reluctant to go home. I even got the impression that my boyfriend was genuinely shocked when...

The Ghost Of Lingerie Past, Present, And Future

"Saving you from your dangerously sexy crossdressing habit."

Conner. Psst. Conner. Wake up.Don’t look so surprised. This visit has been a long time coming.Aww, you didn’t believe I existed? That spirits like myself existed?Well, come here and know me better!Look at me. Look through me, at the outlines...

Maritime Adventure

"Helen meets Peter again and he pays for a surprising encounter on his yacht"

Helen was naked when she threw open the shutters to her bedroom window. The sky was a burnished blue, without a single cloud. An enormous yacht, rigged for sail, lay at anchor on the far side of the bay. Her...

Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 7

"My sister gets in touch and my past catches up with me. A frostiness descends on the flat as I await my punishment."

It was after dinner one evening that events took a devastating turn. Laura and I were sitting, side-by-side, watching television, when my phone rang. The caller display read “Phoebe”. It was my sister! Instinctively, I panicked and declined the call.“Who...