Joan’s Continued Journey To Satisfy Her Lust Filled Desires.

"Joan Takes The Train Into The City, Dressed To Seduce And Be Taken"

Joan woke up in the morning, from a vivid exciting dream. In the dream, she wore a classy dress, that attracted everyone's attention as she passed, which ended with her being roughly taken by several strangers.Joan could not shake the...

Joan’s Journey To Satisfy Her Extreme Lust-filled Desires.

"Joan Goes Deep In The Park Alone, Looking For Sexual Satisfaction.."

Joan woke up in the morning, all alone in her bed. Her mind was still possessed by the gang bang fucking she had received at the club over the weekend. Joan's hand was buried deep between her thighs, rubbing her...

The Resort – Chapter One

"A teenage brother and sister are shocked to find out the truth behind their parent's secret vacation spot"

I was a fairly typical sixteen-year-old boy when my parents first invited my older sister, Chandra, and me to join them on their traditional summer vacation. They never spoke about their yearly trips very much. In our younger years, they...

As the sun rose on that beautiful morning, Joan's mind was running full of naughty, lust-filled thoughts as she sipped her coffee. The urge inside her to be sexually taken was growing inside her mind and body in full force....

Dining Naked in Public: Sara’s Surrender, Part 15

"Submissive Sara begs to be used by James, and she is…but not quite the way she expects!"

Sara was breathing hard, “Please don’t leave me naked in front of all these people!”I sat back and looked at her, “Tell me – are you wetter now than you were?”She stopped, gulped, then looked down at her lap and whispered, “Yes.”I chuckled,...