Yellow, Blue, Green and Red. Orange, Purple; and Black too.

"“If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough,” Mario Andretti."

Mum was right, his blaze was sweet; but, for fuck’s sake, calling him, Sugar, was character assassination. Even as a gangly foal, his face screamed white lightening.In utero, he was my mother’s horse, but the devil-may-care fire in those newborn...

On Taking Pride

"A bisexual married couple's thoughts about sex with Covid."

I’m having sex like a heterosexual...I suppose from the outside that makes sense, since I’m heterosexually married, but my wife and I are bisexual. And for the most part, we won’t shut up about it. To answer the follow-up question,...

Stone Butch

"I nibble my way to her ear and whisper, “I need this. I need you.”"

Another purple sunrise, I’ve seen too many to count. I used to think that this time of the morning held magic. The way the sun momentarily stays hidden behind the horizon, sending up her rays in a lavender ombre canopy...

I Just Turned on a Man

"In honor of Pride, this is a story about a man who turns on another man."

Once upon a time, not long ago, I was in college. Now, you would think college is where sex is easy. Ladies abound, walking everywhere. Whilst that is somewhat true, my shy, introverted personality somewhat collides with that. If you...

To Lachlan With Love

"Alex realises a hidden desire on a business trip."

A recent business trip to Australia caused me to redefine my definition of pride. Before the trip, I always took pride in my work, my achievements and my ability to focus on my targets and goals. I knew what I...

Lean In

"A woman has sex for the first time, in the body she's dreamed of."

You keep teasing me under these stars. You lean in ever so close; I can feel your breath mix with mine, your lips invade the bubble around mine. And then you back away, and I can see the sky, but...