Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 45)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"I'm getting too old for this shit," I moaned and plopped into one of the Situation Room's ergonomically designed conference chairs. I massaged the sore spot on my shoulder and shifted and squirmed and as I searched for a less...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 44)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"Okay, my turn," I chuckled as I picked up the fat cigar-sized joint of the Sisterhood's weed. Possession of the Canibus talking stick authorized the owner to speak without interruption.I took a heavy hit and passed the blunt to Sheila...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 43)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"That should do it. Time check," Belinda wiped sweat from her brow with her t-shirt as she braced her entrenching tool against the entrance of the newly constructed "bunker-in-a-bag." Unless you were part Mountain Goat, the winding ridgeline trail was the...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 42)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"Thank you, what’s the deal?" I asked as I took the offered towel from Sheila’s hands and fluff-dried my thinning mane. Hair loss among men is a myth. It’s not so much that our locks leave as that they change...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 41)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"With all due respect, do we have any idea how ridiculous we look?" I stepped over the long picnic bench next to the community dining table as I stood to speak. My rear end protested.After several long hours of note...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 40)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"Super glue? Really?" I chuckled as I focused my field glasses on the bonded band of mutually masturbating men crab-walking westward."Your punishment is diabolical," I shook my head in puzzled amazement. "Intruders were killed in the past for less, so why...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 39)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

With flying gravel and a sandy whoosh, Frosty's motorbike cleared the crest of the granite ridge in an airborne glide before skidding to a wobbly stop about a dozen yards down the slope. "It's Alice and Darlene with five guys wearing...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 38)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

I peeked past Sheila's shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the dark lady of data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 37)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

"We need to talk" is usually the two slices of sweet bread covering a shit sandwich. I have yet to hear those innocent sounding words when they weren't followed by news to which I didn't want to listen.The last time...

Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 36)

"Life abruptly changes when a homeless veteran stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

My sleep was shattered by three sharp raps which crashed through my slumber like gunshots in a nightmare on the morning of the third day."What the hell!" I hurled myself from my bed, stomped across the floor and jerked open...