Posing For Simon

"On their second date, temptation is in the air"

All smooth and powdered I board the train to Haarlem. The lingerie under my dress gives me superpowers, I see a few men peeking. I have been looking forward to seeing Simon, especially since I finally get to pose for...

Always Lolita

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 13"

(Mid 1980s) I had auditioned for a summer production at a theater in Savanah, where I hoped to work toward my goal of becoming an actress. This, and plenty of time at the beach, is how I planned to spend...

The Greater New Chestnut Erotic Fiction Writers Society

"Things get a little wild at the erotic writers meeting."

"Now, you will get under the table and one by one... you have to rub our panties.”I had been punished by Anna Trusseau. Laughingly, I played along and took my shirt off. I threw it across the room like a...

Reflecting On Sex

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 11"

(Mid 1980s) Taking not much more than the head in my mouth, I sucked it like a straw. He was excited, but that didn’t last. The mood turned. Knowing something was wrong, I tried sucking harder, as if from a...

A Morning Of Seduction And Domination

"Luke experiences a sensual morning with his lover Sez, who teases and dominates him, leaving him craving more..."

Luke woke up to the faint morning light filtering through the bedroom curtains, his body still buzzing with the lingering sensations of the night before. His wrists were bound tightly, the silk scarves digging slightly into his skin, a reminder...

Tony Harris 3

"Prequel - The Story 3"

I was woken by the sensation of someone’s tongue on the tip of my penis.“Oh, Gemma. That’s fantastic.”She looked up at me and her eyes smiled.“Can I stop you for a second?”“What’s wrong, Tony?”“Oh, believe me, nothing’s wrong.”She sat up...