Breathtaking Passion with Another Woman – A Short History

"A college passion between fem roomates helps ignite a new found relationship"

My fiancé and I, along with eight other couples, were invited to a Saturday football party at one of his colleague’s homes. I did not really know any of them, except Frank and Mary, the hosts. They were all doctors,...

Her Diary

"Things unfurl rapidly when I discover what she feels about our sex life"

We were having coffee after dinner when she excused herself, with a wink, to visit the restroom. For no particular reason, I glanced at her open purse lying on the table and noticed the small pink book that said “Diary”...

Halloween Night Encounter

"April had only one Halloween desire."

I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her...

Come tickle

"An invite you can't resist."

Come tickle my testicles.give them a squeeze.Give them some lovewhile your down on your knees.Give them a licking.Dear god that feels good.My cock's now as hardas mahogany wood.I take it in hand,with an audible sigh.We wouldn't want itto poke you...

Beware, Beware, the Lover’s Snare

"Sonnet #7: In alternating pentameter and tetrameter, and Spencerian rhyme"

Drenched in desire, lovely the hours Flit away, exquisitely sped. An umbral, knightly presence looms – towers Like memory, over the bed. Emblazoned with eros, swallowing dread, Warm hands scurry beneath a skirt. Words of lust bloom brightly as they...

A Quatrain Just For You!

"Even when I muse and ponder and play with words, what I do I do for her."

I wrote a quatrain just for you in hopes you'd fuck me all night through But must we follow rules and such fuck the rules 'tween your legs I'll touch. Pen in hand refreshed anew, I wrote a quatrain just...

We have been naughty

"I have great friends that like to help me out in a time of need!"

I have always been a little bit of a recluse, only keeping a few, close friends. Trevor and Aaron were my best friends. We knew everything about each other, every dark secret and every sweet memory. I know that Trevor...

Late Night

"I have missed this."

You come in the night.I wasn't expecting you.It has been so long.Your kiss is fierce.I am yours to claim.You want my mouth, Around your cock.I want your seed,Inside of me.As you slide in, You give me what I need.I listen closely, To...