Lana And Jerry

"Jerry talks to Lana's life-coach about how their marriage has taken on a new dimension and direction."

“You’ve been undressing her with your eyes since you got here,” Jerry stated to Liam as Lana returned from the kitchen with a tray of drinks and snacks.She was clad in an exquisite dress; flowing, yet clinging to her curves...

Unveiling Sez’s Secret…

"Luke's curiosity about Sez's secret affair leads him to discover her wild sexual side, involving a threesome, a shy intern, and a steamy night of passion..."

Luke had been keeping a close eye on Sez ever since he discovered her secret affair with Dwayne. But now, as he hid in the office toilets, his curiosity had peaked to new heights. He heard the door creak open,...

Our Sexual Adventure, Part Two – “Growing Closer”

""A married couple who found the road to fulfilment. This series is our sexual adventure, all involve Carol, most involve Bob.""

At the end of Part One, "The Beginning," my boyfriend Bob and I took a trip to Holy Island Lindisfarne with our friends Martin and Wendy. It was a magical night spent under the stars. On our way back, I...

Reflecting On Sex

"The Evolution of an Exhibitionist: Part 11"

(Mid 1980s) Taking not much more than the head in my mouth, I sucked it like a straw. He was excited, but that didn’t last. The mood turned. Knowing something was wrong, I tried sucking harder, as if from a...