The Honey Trap.

"MI5 honey trap."

Gwendolyn Forbes Smyth was a virtual nymphomaniac, she had a very high sex drive and very few morals. Several of her professors at the university, recommended her to MI5, as an intelligence officer. She was five feet seven inches tall, with...

Working Days: Lynn, Chapter 2

"Bryan acts upon his desires for Lynn, his boss. 21+ End of a two part series."

I held her securely in my lap above my softened phallus as we sat on the floor beside the bed. The delicate sensation of her lips on my neck and a second set of lips, folds rather, slipping along the...

Working Days: Lynn, Chapter 1

"Bryan finally acts upon his desires for Lynn, his boss. 21+ Part of a series (hopefully)"

I arrived at work with nothing on my mind. I didn't care what wasn't done from the night before, because whatever I discovered once I was there easily could be taken care of. As it turns out, one of the...

I Don’t Want to Know

"This is my contest entry for another site. Let me know what you think--D."

I Don’t Want To Know I had just finished my work at the store and was walking out to the parking lot where my car was parked. The first cigarette in four hours tasted damned good; these twelve hour days...