I’m not exactly an early riser. Neither, apparently, was Summer. Not a peep as I made my way out to the kitchen after throwing on jeans and a clean t-shirt, and starting breakfast. Coffee first. Sugar and cream. Some habits...


"Dedicated to Rachel"

Been looking through our cardboard boxOf photos old and newSo many loving memoriesOf good times shared with you All those captured momentsA flashback through the yearsI studied each one carefullyI even shed some tears I wanted something differentAs your birthday drawing nearNot...

Warren’s Trail Cam

"Upon a visit to his cabin, a man finds some enticing photos on his trail cam."

"The cabin is at least still standing," Warren said to himself once the old, wooden building came into view.His truck slowly crawled across the worn, bumpy gravel drive that led to his rural hideaway. For days, he pictured his cabin...

My Last Day with my Secretary

"College head of department shows nude photos of himself to hot secretary on his last day."

I'll never forget what happened on my last day as head of department.My secretary Debbie was very flirtatious. I remember walking in to her adjoining office, standing over her desk, and looking straight down her dress to see her breasts...