Didn’t Your Mother Tell You? – Part 7

"My sister gets in touch and my past catches up with me. A frostiness descends on the flat as I await my punishment."

It was after dinner one evening that events took a devastating turn. Laura and I were sitting, side-by-side, watching television, when my phone rang. The caller display read “Phoebe”. It was my sister! Instinctively, I panicked and declined the call.“Who...

The Last Holiday, Part One, Discovering Treasure On The Beach, And Partners In Crime.

"A look back at the last holiday I went on with my family, and the discoveries I made in so many ways"

This would be the last holiday I went on with my family. Earlier that year I had turned sixteen and also finished high school. I had an apprenticeship lined up in a month. My parents were taking my two younger...

“Clare” – Chapter:- 21 – “Reconnecting”

"David and Sarah are home. This is the last chapter and is told from David's perspective..."

As I drove home from Gatwick Airport, Sarah seemed pensive, and I guessed part of it was the post-holiday blues you experience, after having such a good time. However, I suspected it was more than just that and, like me,...

A Special Kind Of Wife – Part 3

"After the outrageously wild and sex-filled weekend, Jordan wonders if it will continue."

Driving home from work on Monday evening, Jordan’s mind drifted back to his sex-filled weekend. He was still mystified by his wife’s behavior. A sweet woman that rarely used profanity suddenly became the potty-mouth of all time. He grinned as...