Sultana (Chapter 2 – The Hellene)

"Turbulent adventures, sexual intrigue, magic and monsters, all are set in ancient Arabia."

The clang of steel interrupted the afternoon post prandial stupors of all palace personnel. It was the Sultana training her children in sword fighting. Everyone stayed clear of the practice arena except designated personnel. The only designated personnel were the...

Sultana (Chapter 3 – Python)

"Turbulent adventures, sexual intrigue, magic and monsters, all are set in ancient Arabia."

Khalid sneered. He saw his lieutenant Mustafa inserting his cock into the folds of the red skinned beauty with perfectly formed breasts and thick, curly black hair that fell to her shoulders. She nodded, feigning pleasure on her face, and...

Beautiful Lee

"Beginning a realtionship with my new neighbor"

It all started the weekend before last. I bought a house – my first house. In the Navy I always lived in apartments, so I saved a lot of money. I usually ended up saving over a thousand dollars a...