As he sleeps next to me I wonder,Does he understand what I seeWhen I look into his gentle eyesEvery time he says he loves me?As he sleeps next to me I wonder,Does he realize he rescued me,Not from the perils...

Love is a word that defies definition.It is more beautiful than even the most vivid imaginationcan envision,it is spontaneous, combustible andmessy, very messy. Love is not limited by an elementary arrangementof four simple letters.The limitations only arise from our ability...

For Now, Until We Part

"Circumstance brought us together"

Remembering that magic daywhen I saw you arrive.My time, till then a sentence served.You made me feel alive!Watching, counting every stepthat brought you near to me.My throat constricted! Sweaty palms!A vision, fair to see!Fate delivered you to mewhile others moaned...

On Love I No Longer Wait

"I waited on true love all my life. It finally has come."

On love I wait. I thought I loved. I loved not. Now I love in truth. Now I love in truth. But still I wait. Not ON love any more do I wait. But now I wait FOR my love....