It really was no shockbut still there's the pain.Smashed as upon a rockto never share again.Sharp words that stabbed and hurtthe bond broken, slain.Messages abrupt and curt, history down the drain.Finally they moved apartloneliness their bane.Empty now was the heartleaving only...

Remembrances of Paris

"A chance encounter becomes much,much more."

“Pardonnez-moi, Mademoiselle I would like to book a direct flight going to Manila tonight if possible.” she shyly inquired of the woman at the ticket counter in her limited French.“Oui Mademoiselle, let me check our schedules,” the pleasant lady at...

To have and have not

"When your meant to be is not enough to overcome your reality."

Divergent worlds collide in an unexpected thunderstorm of serendipity. Fated winds toss us giddily into the air, tumbling our tummies. Laughing 'til tears flow, limbs strain for whispers of touches. Hands finally clasped we spin through space, unable to discern...

Will she remember me.

"Knowing it is ending"

It is 3:17 in the morning. As the moonlight casts it dim glow thought my windowI reach out to the emptiness beside me. Craving to touch her warm body. My ears aching for the sweet sound of her gentle breathing....

How come when you said the vows you said them lovingly with a smile? How come when you broke them you did it angrily with a scowl? How come this difference from there to here? How come you’ve changed and...

Something changed, It stopped working. Summer was hard and We couldn't go back. I tried to deny it But I knew it was coming. It didn't make it easier When we finally parted. It's going to take time For me...