Lying naked wrapped in your arms Your body so warm against mine It is easy to imagine in that momentThat just maybe I can still be saved Lying there I can picture the jagged piecesThat make up my tenuous existence...

The Erotica Dream

"I felt my manhood hardening against my pajama bottoms as I was aroused by the sight of the goddesses"

My name was Cassandra Drewe and I was different from the girls my age at school. Unlike them, I was born with a penis. So I was half girl, half boy. When I was in my mother's womb I began...

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise

"Whilst on holiday with her parents Jessica finds excitement with strange traveller she wont forget."

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green...

An Island Paradise

"A night in the life of the Islands."

“You should see my maid…Johnny.” Ver saw the question in my eyes, but only repeated again, “You should see my maid.” Ver was the imported local machine operator, a Filipino and was becoming a good friend. I had been on...

My Jamaica

"Dreaming of my tropical paradise Jamaica."

A craving that won’t go away.It totally consumes me every day.A paradise that calls to me.It contains everything that I need. The people are proud and so very nice.They welcome you home to their paradise.Treat you like family that’s what...