After discovering something online during a porn rabbit-hole experience, I decided I wanted to try it for myself. A few weeks previous I had been clicking through different videos and stumbled upon a video suggesting squirting, which I love. So I...
panty wetting
Father Figure
"Fixation with an older man brings sexual gratification"
I never really knew my father.I had only just turned seven when Mum and Dad split up. He'd told her one night that he was going to set up home with his secretary (the usual scenario: middle-aged man trades in...
Pee Perverts: Sexy Little Panty Pisser
"The unedited version of husband meets wife"
She was eighteen; I was sixteen. She was a goddess; I was a spotty little oik - according to my brothers. According to the eighteen-year-old goddess, I was adorable. She claims that she fancied me straight away but I don’t...