Summer slowlyGiving way to Autumn.Westward breezesBlowing through wheat fields.Crumbled grassUnder yourSweet bare ass.Golden curlsMatching Kansas wheat.Flashing eyesHungry,Dripping with lust.BeckoningYour teaseWorldly, knowing.As I fall deeperUnder your spell,Tossing me down.Wicked sexual laugh,Your conquest awaits.Holding my chin,Quick hungry kisses.Mounting me,Riding your Fallen stag.Sexual spellFulfilledOnce more.

Moon Rising

"moans escape my parched lips"

 Moon Rising As I  tug My silk tiesScent of candlesCalming my racing heartSounds down the darken hallVoices soft and familarClink of wine glassesShe is not aloneLaying stillFoot steps echo Off our wood plank floorSmile etched On my facePleasurable night waitsAs your black crop Drops across my...

Touch me ...I shall cum ...Kiss me ...I shall cum ...Mark me ...I shall shiver ...then cum ...Own me ...I shall wait ...for your command cum ... 


"He called and you willingly obliged..."

They say when you strip away a core sense, the remaining compensate. A natural response, to combat increased vulnerability, heightening awareness as mind and body adjusts.I can only imagine this as I stand at the foot of the bed, intense eyes devouring...

Road Slut

"Slut is taken on a short road trip, played with, displayed and given a new collar."

Picture my slut: she is a tiny woman, with red hair and green eyes. She wouldn’t probably call them green. She’d have some other fancier name for them. I would just call them beautiful. Truth is like that; simple. It’s...


"As the shadows moved beyond my shrouded eyes I knew he was watching..."

In his hands I felt safe. I always had. In a world of people desperately seeking and holding out hope for that one true connection, I had found mine. He had stolen my heart in an instant, becoming my oxygen...