Lana And Jerry

"Jerry talks to Lana's life-coach about how their marriage has taken on a new dimension and direction."

“You’ve been undressing her with your eyes since you got here,” Jerry stated to Liam as Lana returned from the kitchen with a tray of drinks and snacks.She was clad in an exquisite dress; flowing, yet clinging to her curves...

Naked Cunt Is Taken to Meet the Neighbours

"This is the long-delayed continuation of the story of how a beautiful Australian woman becomes an owned slave named ‘naked cunt’"

It was about half past nine on a Saturday morning, two weeks after I became naked cunt, a sex slave owned by four Masters. I had been spending my days practicing how to kneel, how to stand, and how to...


"Last night's adventure, A dinner date"

We went out for dinner. This particular restaurant has sofas, instead of the customary chairs. As we are led to our seats, you decide to sit next to me instead of on the opposite end of the table.As we sit...

Chapter 14: “Please Teach Me How to Suck Your Cock…”

"After being flogged, Marta begs Sir to teach her how to suck his cock, with surprising results…"

His Beautiful Cocksucker: SirI woke first, and noted, again, that there was sunlight streaming through the window. She was giving me bad habits, like sleeping in, and I loved it.I turned to look at her. She was still asleep, and...


"Be careful what you wish for"

"Fuck! No way!" said Sally."Yeah, sounds a bit dubious," agreed Kim, looking at the poster on the wall of the firm's tea room.Charity Date AuctionFriday 16th, 6pm"Fucking disgusting," said Sally, "I mean, how is that sort of thing even allowed...