More Than Cosmetic

"Margaret always wanted more - and now, she has it!"

The light pouring through the window was strange, Margaret thought sleepily, then realised why: surely it was too yellow, to bright to be natural? It trickled through the blinds like liquid gold and pooled lazily on the tiled floor. Who...

Waiting For Dawn To Come

"Dawn finds her friend's porn."

'Typical,' Ed moaned, pulling up his trousers and staggering to the ringing phone. On the TV, an extended tongue was paused on its way to a shaved pussy. He picked up the phone and managed a reasonably polite 'hello'. 'Hi,...

Identity – Part 2

"Mystery woman used and abused"

(C) 2006 Rachel Gumm.Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the first part!The doorbell rang over the sound of the hi-fi. Not having much of a party music collection, Kevin had stuck a Fatboy Slim album on, hoping it...


"Day time dreaming can be so much fun."

D’Oh!Jon sat on the park bench, lost in a world that included only the limits of his peripheral vision. His thoughts centred on nothing, just enjoyment of the warm summer sun that beat down to gently brown off the grass...

Fashion Man 2

"The Fashon Man meets with his boss. He gets a raise."

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they ever existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read...