Sex at Work

"I had confessed to being an Erotic Story Writer, She wanted proof and got it!"

I encourage comments and voting on my stories, I am new at this type of writing, and would appreciate any feedback.  I feel it would help in refining the stories I feel the need to write.  Thanks   I have...

Sex at Work, Part 2

"She had gotten the proof required, now she wanted even more"

Well, it really wasn’t a dream.   I had confessed on a web site I visit regularly, I guess a week or so ago about telling my coworker of a website that I had a story posted on, and her...

Sex at Work, Part 3

"She had gotten more proof in the cooler, now it was my turn"

As a fairly new erotic writer I encourage any comments and votes on my work, that is how I will know if my writing is meeting the needs of YOU, the readers.  Thanks   This confession seems to go on...

A Touring Cyclist Rides More Than A Bike

"We didn't know each other when the day began, but we rode each other well before it was over"

It was late June in Oklahoma, the time for rugged bicycle riders to come together for the touring event of the year.  This year was going to be especially difficult, thecourse was laid out from the Texas/Oklahoma border, into parts...

Mum and Suzy

"Mum finds Suzy's present for Tom"

Elaine was 44 and a still slim 5’ 6”, with short-cropped dark hair with odd grey high-lights.   She hated feeling the need to cover up the grey.   It made men look “distinguished”, but as a woman in her...

Temporary Release

"Robert finds himself alone with the hot new temp."

Robert flashed his badge to security and took the lift to the sixth floor, checking himself out in the mirror as he ascended. He was in uncommonly high spirits for a Monday morning, looking forward to an easy week of...


"This is a true story about on-line love becoming reality (I changed the names obviously...)"

I reached his place before him. His mom opened the door and said, “Addi, Dean told us you’ll be coming over. Unfortunately he’s not back from work yet. Oh let me introduce you to my husband. Honey this is Addi”. His...

Miss Tiffany Fulfilling Her Dream

"Tiffany fulfills her dream with her hot neighbor..."

Finally, I had everything I needed to dress up for a little fantasy today.  I had always thought my neighbor Steven was extraordinarily handsome and sexy.  At six-feet-three inches, Steven is precisely what described as tall, dark, hard tone and muscular....

My best friend Joe had invited me over to watch some football, his wife was in the kitchen making us up some snacks, a beautiful women named April. I had many a fantasy about her since he had first introduced her...

And Tracey Makes Three

"Best friends come together."

It was lunchtime, and for a change the IT department wasn't completely deserted. Alex was at a computer, but not at work; he was browsing through photos of his latest romp with Emma. Stills from the video they had made.He...