A Long Hard Look (part 4)

"The eyes are more than windows to the soul."

"Judy that was unbelievable. I can't believe you've never done this before!" David exclaimed, starting to wipe off the sticky beads of cum that laced his penis and my tongue."Stop! Let me clean you up," I said, walking over to...

A Long Hard Look (part 3)

"The eyes are more than windows to the soul."

I hastily flipped open my phone. "Hullo?""Hiya, sweet. How was your exam?" kindly asked my father."Ah, it went well thanks... finished it before everyone else. I'm just taking a much-needed tea-scone-ciggie break." I said, smiling. David winked at me after...

A Long Hard Look (part 1)

"The eyes are more than windows to the soul."

MrrrrpMrrrrpMrrrp. The alarm clock is shrieking in my ear.Agh, I think disgustedly. Shut up would you, it's five o'clock in the morning. I wish I were working so I wouldn't have these bloody exams to worry about. No one can think...

A Long Hard Look (part 2)

"The eyes are more than windows to the soul."

My gait got slower as I stopped to think about what was said and done on the bus. My panties were soaked everytime he would look at me, even before that day. I always had to cross my legs together...

It was Saturday and I had to work 8:-noon. I returned home and Carol was still wearing her night clothes. A short neglige which barely covered her panties. She welcomed me with a wet kiss and said she had to...

The Boy Nextdoor

"Simple favor turns into hot sex"

It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake....