Barriers falling like dominos…

"In my first threesome with a couple, what started out as MFM develops into different combinations"

What was I doing, completely naked on a sofa in someone else’s house, an equally naked couple who I’d met in person for the first time only about an hour beforehand, with my eyes closed and head thrown back?Having made...

A Life in Love and Lust: Chapter 1 – Bringing Dreams to Life

"Thomas and Tessa discuss bringing their sexual fantasies to life."

Thomas and Tessa were nearing 10 years as a couple and they wondered how best to celebrate the milestone. One thing was for certain, whatever they chose to do, it would involve sex!They had enjoyed an active and varied sex...

The Gym Post-workout.

"Not all workouts happen in the gym."

Lilly and Jay, a hot and passionate couple, had just finished their intense workout at the local gym. Both were fitness enthusiasts, their toned and muscular bodies a testament to their dedication. Lilly, a stunning blonde bombshell, attracted attention wherever...

Random Fun On An Aussie Nude Beach

"Breaking the taboos about sex on a public nude beach."

Hiya. I was chatting with Ken the other day as were sitting in the living room on a drizzly afternoon and reminiscing while looking through saved photos.  Damn we’ve had some good times, and in all honesty if you follow...

Sucking Off My Friend

"I love giving oral and I love my friend"

My friend Benji had been single for almost two years. He works as a carpenter and a small business owner. Between both of these things, he clearly wasn’t making time for any intimacy. I sat next to him at our local...

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"A tale of a young woman's sexual awakening borne out of tragedy."

Chapter One - A Wonderful, Terrible Day Everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing that awful terrible day. The day the world changed, the day the world got turned upside down. Mine certainly did but in the very...