I heard it again,"We can still be friends"!That cringe worthy phrase uttered,when a relationship ends. They never mean it.Yet everyone pretends,that the band aid will hold,till your heart mends. Your in-box remains empty,the phone deathly silent.Yet you puff out your chest,and flash...


"Just some randomness resulting from my chipper mood..."

Live laugh and love,Optimism.Sadness thrown away.Happy.Trails of tears,Behind.Happy years,Ahead.Time goes by,Memories.Frozen with a click,Pictures.It could all be gone,Snap.Taken away from me,Lost.I love my life so much,Content.I'm happy with me,Confidence.I love those around me,Hugs.Fun times together,Irreplaceable.I love life,Heart.I think of things,Smile.I...