Missed opportunity

"Has she lost her everything...."

She arrives homelogs into her computerslowly her smile turns into a frown.Her love has been trying to get herleaving so many messagesas she keeps readingShe feels her eyes well with tearsas the messages, get sadder,she feels his breaking heart. If...

A new spark

"After a long and boring relationship, a cheated-on man finds a new spark of passion online."

My name is Dillon and I’m bored. I never imagined my life as an executive administrator to be a whirlwind of excitement, but this is getting out of hand. I can handle not having the most glamorous job in the...

When You Weren’t Here

"Thinking of an online lover who wasn't signed on"

It's been a few days nowA busy time of yearAnd I've missed youI signed onHoping to say helloTo catch upTo smileTo laugh Perhaps more? Passing a little time Reading some stories Thinking of our own Our first time The sharing...

To Stand With You In The Sun

"The secret lives we lead with online friends who are very special to us."

To Stand With You In The Sun I sometimes wonder If it's right or wrong The line between the two Blurs so easily With a special friend With whom I connect, Laugh so easily And share openly Desires we hide From...