Faithful Grace: Chapter 4 – Thursday

"Grace meets up with Andy, and does her best to remain completely faithful to her husband."

The clock on the living room wall read 12:47, its steady, repetitive tick-tock the only indicator of time passing. Grace stared at the notification on the screen, her breath taken away. How could she have let it come this far?...

Tall and Salty

"After an online chat ends, the real dialogue begins"

I have a confession to make. You’ve read my story about my online seduction? The one I called short and sweet? Yes, that story. So now that I have your attention, I’ll ask your indulgence, as I tell you the...

Let’s Get It On

"Finally, after months of chatting, text messaging nightly phone calls we will meet in person..."

BY THE TIME THE CLOCK CHIMED FIVE O’CLOCK I was a bag of nerves waiting rather impatiently for my buzzer to ring. I must’ve cleaned up my tiny one-bedroom apartment countless times today in anticipation for this visit. Finally, after...