Alicia D And The Olympic Omnium Badge

"A young Olympian takes on an unusual challenge"

“Three, two, one…cheezu!” Alicia. D moved closer to her brother Borja, and both held up their medals for the camera.  “To the Domenechs, only the third set of twins to both win an Olympic medal on a single day!”“To the team...

Olympic Misbehavior

"Scandals, Secrecy, Debauchery, and a tough decision"

As the world prepared for The Olympics, a resolution to an inevitable issue was put in place. Everyone knew that athletes were going to sleep with each other. Governments came together and proposed a "Volunteer" program before the actual Olympics....

International Cowgirl

"Lulu represents Kenya in the International Cowgirl event and so much wanted to do her country proud"

If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn’t the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree...