Porn Photography In The Old Community

"Taking porn pictures of old grannies"

Looking at porn sites of old amateur grannies, I often wondered how they got those old birds of seventy-plus to pose for pornographic cunt and tits shots? And what was more intriguing, how did they get them to piss, suck...

How Love Is Actually Spelt

"An elderly couple teaches a lesson."

When we see that elderly couple,Once more talking blissfully on the bench.I always wonder what words of wisdom,Those two may choose to give me and you.Would we scoff at their counsel,Or even demand they'd step aside?For what could they teach us,That we...

Diana Comes First

"Diana was wronged, now armed with the gift of manipulation she begins her revenge."

Chapter 1Diana was not the most physically attractive of girls. A little over five-foot with dirty blonde hair, she weighed around twelve stone but was considerably flat in the breast department. But she had a loving personality and was greatly...

Cross Burning For Dummies

"Lester’s yelps and curses made it clear he was having uneven results in his battle with Belle."

To “Hardcore” Hardaway’s way of thinking, the three snot-nosed young farts standing just inside the door to his cluttered work shed didn’t look good for much, most of all a Klan job.At first, they’d tried to act cocky, like this...

Call Of Nature

"A man gets a shock when he relieves himself behind the bushes"

All Melissa and I ever seemed to do was fight or fuck. The make-up sex was great, but the arguments were getting more and more intense. Finally, the pleasure from the sex was not worth the aggravation from the rows,...