The Job (Wednesday – Part 1)

"Kiera is nervous about her first day in the unique office environment"

Margaret arrived at the office early with Kiera following close behind. She wanted to try and prepare Kiera, who was feeling extremely nervous, for what to expect before everyone else showed up. Her grandmother had discussed the uniqueness of the...

The Naked Study Buddy Part 2

"A nudist embarks on a naked journey to a friend's house for the first time with no lifeline for a study session and some exhibitionist fun"

It was a twenty-minute drive on the highway before turning onto a more desolate road that led to several small communities and farms. Her family lived on seventy acres of land with a creek that ran through their property. We...


"Two "lost" souls find love"

Running Eagle, naked except for a leather breechcloth, a red headband, and moccasins. Earlier the day he had been following day old tracks of a shod horse. The rider made no attempt to hide it from possible pursuers. The imprints...