Kindred of the Wood (Part One of Two)

"Mara discovers that her first crush is more of a kindred spirit than she ever would have guessed."

Wearing a half-hearted smile, Mara looked out over the lake, trying to enjoy the beauty of the Minnesota morning. The laughter of a loon in the distance accompanied an earthy smelling breeze that rustled her golden blonde hair.Mara’s arm whipped,...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 03

"Home again, Alicia feels as if the walls are closing in on her and seeks entertainment in town."

“Welcome home,” Fantil declared as the wagon crested a hill, revealing the sprawling city of Freeland. The bright noonday sun sparkled on the Groen Sea and the river Lionsfare, framing the city in a glimmering halo. Roads converged upon the...

Bella Gets Painted, Part 1

"Her Dom decides she needs both a treat, and a test to see how much she trusts Him."

Cean rolled his shoulders and sat back in his chair, robe draping open over his wide chest as his fingers drummed on the table. He stared into the hallway leading down to the bedrooms, a smirk on his face as...