Therese’s Story – Chapter 23: Busted

"As told to the author. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."

Cait and I went out with Lucy and her boyfriend on these double-date things several times. I think it became the way he and Lucy hung out together when he was in town, and one night after Cait and I...

Therese’s Story – Chapter 22: Lucky Me

"As told to the author. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."

I thought Lucy didn't miss me, but that wasn't true. At least that's what she said when she called me and asked where I had been for so long, and why I hadn't even called or anything. And I was...

Halloween Debauchery

"My twat torpedo got quite the workout at this year's Halloween party. My teenage niece, her roommate, and my wife prove the old adage, "Every trick is a treat!""

My given name is Nicolas but everyone calls me Nick. You may recognize me from other Lush Stories hits like Routine Adjustment and Never Get Caught. Yeah, I’m the handsome fellow that gave his favorite niece a ride on the...

Never Get Caught!

"Last Christmas, I took a few chances with my teenage niece. The trick was not getting caught!"

My name is Nick and I’ve made some mistakes in life. Back in high school, Principal Snider caught me peeking in the girl's locker room. But don’t get me wrong. The mistake wasn’t ogling those perky shirt shakers… The mistake...

My Auntie’s Husband Part 2/3: His Bunny Princess

"A teen tries to seduce her aunt’s husband on their small dairy farm"

Once upon a time, there was a sex-deprived princess. She was living with a watchful ogre of an aunt, the aunt’s boring and abstinent daughter Katylynn, and the aunt’s sweet but stubborn husband Jacob who was rejecting all the princess’s...