Blowjob Queen

"The things you've got to do to keep your crown"

The clock ticks closer to Midnight.Rules are rules. It's currently a dead-heat and time is running out fast.I kneel with party frock hitched up, wanking him faster and faster as I suck the head.Ten… Nine… Eight... I've got my phone...

New Year In Eden

"A couple try South African swinging"

Two years ago, my wife, Lorraine decided as we didn’t want to spend another New Year in the white cold of Chicago. Being modern nudists/swingers, we surfed the web in search of a place that would meet our needs. After...

Dear Diary

"The New Year starts with a bang!"

January 1st 2017Dear Diary,Well, I did it again. New Year’s resolution nailed within half an hour of the clock striking twelve. And why not, eh? Why set targets that take all year when you can get immediate results?It’s Saskia’s fault....

Big Bang For The New Year?

"Sometimes things don't work out as you'd hoped..."

“Boring?” Carson chortled to himself, scattering empty beer cans as he hauled on the pulley’s chain link. The suspension of the militarised Ford F-150 groaned as it was relieved of its heavy burden. “I’ll show her boring.” The ‘her’ in...

A New Year

"Midnight ramblings"

Do you hide in the shadows Or do you stand in the sun? Do you show all your colors Or do you show none? Do you see beauty in moments Or rush to the next? Do you bring happiness to...

My First Cock!

"This relates a true story of a swinging foursome on one New Year's Eve."

Not a strange subject you would have thought...but for a guy it was an experience I would never forget in a hurry.At the time I had a steady relationship with a girl (Lezza was her nickname for obvious reasons) that...

My maaster Part 2

"Read as me and my master and lover welcome in the New Year"

I woke up to something deep inside me, as I opened my eyes I find your dick embedded into my pussy. I felt a warm rush of love come from you to me, I didn’t think you knew I was...