Ecstasy’s Forbidden Lair

"A wife's voyeuristic discovery of her husband's affair ignites forbidden desires."

She hurried home, eager to greet,Her husband's warm embrace.But hushed moans from upstairs,Hastened her curious pace.Up the stairs, hovering outside their door,She pressed her eye to the cracked opening to explore.There she absorbed the full lurid tableau -Her husband, ecstasy...

Club Cumgaudibus Part 2

"Our couple learn more about their new friends from the club and enjoy a hot video of them fucking"

Every evening since our membership application had been accepted it had become our practice after dinner to log on to the club website to see what messages we had received. We often masturbated side by side looking at the highly...

Strike Day

"A strikers march led to an interesting meeting"

A number of years ago I was a member of the teaching profession at a time when the Government was treating teachers very badly. They had taken money out of our pension fund. The money in the fund was collected...

The Felicity Chronicles — Chapter 7: Like Daughter Like Mother

"Martin spends the night in Sylvia’s bed—with Sylvia’s mother."

Sunday, June 16, 1974.Dawn’s early light filtering through the curtains revealed my surroundings as I woke from deep sleep. Sylvia’s bedroom. Sylvia’s bed.Not new information, but it hadn't really hit me until that moment. The room had been dark. I...

Now She Was Free To Choose

"A college teacher is seduced by a former student."

Fenna studied her reflection in the mirror and was not displeased with how she looked, murmuring to herself, “Not bad for a forty-year-old.”She was a teacher of science, chemistry in particular, and also a tutor to those referred to her...

Chapter 4 – When It All Changed

"The first time she calls him Sir"

Saturday morning arrived, and I dedicated the entire span to cleaning my house. Not that it was filthy or anything, but in the solitude of my own company, I managed to find dust bunnies I had previously missed. After several...