Celebration Of A Life That Touched Them

"A sad event reunites them and presents an opportunity to continue a journey"

Fiona's passing had come as no surprise, and her strict instructions that her send-off should be a joyful occasion hadn't either. Many of those in attendance had only previously met in the virtual world, although some knew each other far...

Such A ‘Nice’ Couple

"Sometimes it takes just the right friends to bring you out of your shell"

Nikki“Oh, thank fuck they’re gone!” Becca cheers as she walks back into the lounge, having shown her sister and brother-in-law to the door.I feel a little relief that I’m not the only one who’s glad to see the back of...

The Job (Wednesday – Part 1)

"Kiera is nervous about her first day in the unique office environment"

Margaret arrived at the office early with Kiera following close behind. She wanted to try and prepare Kiera, who was feeling extremely nervous, for what to expect before everyone else showed up. Her grandmother had discussed the uniqueness of the...

Waiting in Line

"Is it worth the wait?"

Her sweaty hand clasped a book taken from the shelf in her room. She owned all of his books. The line moved. She shuffled forward. Two left.Would he notice her dressed as a character from his book? She adjusted her...

What Wouldn’t You Do?

"She looked at me and I melted"

She invited me to her hotel room and bade me fix drinks while she 'got comfortable'.  My hands were slick with nerves.  She was, in a word, spectacular and far out of my league.  This only happens in dreams!She came...

Graduation Exam

"Despite the lockdown, graduation exams have to be taken. At home. To the roomie's discomfort."

“Thank you and now get the hell into your room. I can't work with you beside me,” Claire scolded her roommate Christopher with just a hint of desperation in her voice.“Come on, you didn't even receive the e-mail with your...