Wild Beavers

"Not all beavers have teeth."

Canadian boys know of this mythBeavers are such fun to play with Coming in many sizes and shapesSome have zones with landscapes Some all covered with hairSome of them totally bare Some have but a bit of fuzzMost give real...

Helen of Troy: Her New Millennium

"The beauty's adventures never end . . ."

I. Here stands that same famous Helen of TroyWho lately fired men and ships, her towersForsaken like her promise to prince or king,For other loves deserted, different desires. Goddess-crowned, immortal, her beauty beamsGold on white beaches and fires the waves.Many...

The Witch’s Grove

"A young girl is initiated into a secret coven."

Her breath came in gasps and shuddering sighs, as her breast rose and fell with every quivering sensation. The young girl’s arms and legs were held each by a beautiful woman; completely naked except for the velvety purple shrouds that...