Informally Introduced

"a quiet birthday gets rescued by a push in the right direction"

"I've spent years having guys talk to my tits, but that's the first time anyone's used them as an airbag!" Josie said to Mick, as they chatted in the cafe.Mick had felt embarrassed when his loss of balance on the...

Mixed Messages

"a mishap reconnects them and it seems too good an opportunity to turn down"

'Smuts!'As Joe looked at the message on his phone, he smiled with a surge of nostalgia that he knew only Katie would understand. Almost two years had passed since Joe and Katie had shared their harmless mischief online, but seeing...

Thank You, Sister Ella (Part 3)

"Making beautiful music together . . . and another player joins the ensemble"

To say I idolized Ella would have been an overstatement, but not by much. She was better than me – she worked harder at almost everything. Playing solo cello, eyes closed, swaying with the bowing, she was angelic. The 1960s...