Radio Active

"Boundaries are seen as a challenge, rather than an obstacle, as a search for opinion brings unexpected memories."

"It's Happiness Day today. What makes you happy?"Lisa had been asking the question for an hour to passers-by outside the station and was beginning to feel a little weary.Martin hadn't seen Lisa leap out from the shadows with her microphone,...

Informally Introduced

"a quiet birthday gets rescued by a push in the right direction"

"I've spent years having guys talk to my tits, but that's the first time anyone's used them as an airbag!" Josie said to Mick, as they chatted in the cafe.Mick had felt embarrassed when his loss of balance on the...

Informal Student Exchange

"Aussi girl spends two months with her Indian exchange partner in a single-room apartment."

Last semester I had to spend two months in Bangalore, India for a research project. Funding was poor so I posted on the internet if any Bangalore student (female) would be willing to house me in exchange for housing her...

Insta Challenge

"A sexual challenge posted on instagram becomes reality"

Eric and I are in Dubai at a luxury resort. He looks fantastic with his great built and his full boxers. We have sex three times a day, and then there are the nights...On my insta page I post sexy...