Garden Of Sensations

"Two lovers,one woman"

The golden sunbeams danced playfully through the gnarled branches of the ancient trees, casting a warm glow over the sprawling gardens surrounding the grand manor.On a delicate bench nestled among the foliage, Barbara basked in the warm rays that kissed...

The Couple That Spanked Before – Part 1: Origin Story

"A younger Rachel is introduced to the world of spanking and discipline"

The song was not hers.The song had been written long ago, its words and its notes arranged even before she was born. Its creators had birthed it from a spark of inspiration, and it had grown with many voices since.But...

The Nigerian Tease – Another Mature Lover

"A twenty-something Nigerian woman meets a much older white man at a conference. Just her type."

Chika Etomi is a married Nigerian lady aged twenty-eight, but she has a thing for white men much older than herself.Her job has her moving in circles that include mature and sophisticated white men, and on occasions, she takes a...

The Wedding Caterer – Part 4

"Colin and Patrice's affair continues and there is a surprise development"

Colin Middleditch, aged sixty, had not seen his twenty-five-year-old lover Patrice Simmonds since she left his hotel room on Wednesday morning although they had exchanged several hot texts and had had a couple of phone conversations.As with most affairs, the...