Endless Sommer Part Two

"Sommer finds out what Chris wants to do"

 You may want to read "Endless Sommer" first before this one. For those who have read Endless Sommer you may remember, Chris was left with an important decision. This story begins where "Endless Sommer" left off. With the last paragraph...

I Just Fell In

"Kim came for a story but found a career."

How did I get here? Well, if you have a few minutes, I can try to catch you up.It was all by accident, really. This was not the way I saw my life going. I’m not complaining, you understand. It’s...

When I told hubby that I’d finally landed a speaking role, he was delighted. He told all his mates I was going to be a star. When the script arrived, he said he’d help me rehearse the lines.  How nice....