Taken For A Ride

"Come back to bed little sparrow"

Do I believe in love at first sight?No, but I do believe in lust at first sight.Are women more left-brain or right-brain? Who's to say?Do women let their emotions rule their brains over letting their bodies just do what they...

Teenage Exploitation Sex Comedy: Chapter Twelve

"Allen decompresses with his new girlfriend, but a nosy reporter could bring it all crashing down"

Makennah took a sharp breath and sized up Jane’s appearance before replying. Jane herself looked like she’d just gotten done with a shower after sex, especially as she too, appeared to be a guest of The Sleepy Inn.“Who am I...

Meeting A Neighbor In Unexpected Ways – Part II

"The Adventure Continues Becky As She Gets To Know Her Neighbor Better"

I'd met my seventeen-year-old neighbor in a chat room, and we hadn't realized we knew each other until we met in person. It hadn't stopped us from using the motel room that Friday afternoon.Becky slid off the bed, looking back...

Tessa – Part Five Of Six

"Marcus Veovin enjoys Tessa in their motel room one final time before returning home..."

Unfortunately, we didn’t have shower sex as I had been hoping for, but we still had plenty of fun scrubbing each other down. I didn’t want my wonderful teacher to get the impression that all I wanted from her was...