Fucker’s Moon

"'Tis a shame it's but once a year"

Around these parts they’ve taken to calling it a fucker’s moon,It comes in late May most years, but sometimes early June. It shows itself by a dark red blush or perhaps it’s even maroon,And it's known to make our virgins...

For The Love of The Moon

"He searched for her and she waited for him."

“Good morning my name is Miss Siena and I am here to talk to you about the moon,” Siena said calmly as she floated in the zero gravity. “I am currently orbiting around the moon as this broadcast is being...

Tension In The Mellowing

"Though lovers reach their autumn, their tale will still be told."

There's a tension in the mellowing;A striving in the firelight;A beauty in the darkening air;A gentleness in the autumn fury.Aging love, steadfastly kept,Is still a thriving, broad-shouldered youth.Well-worn hearts are entwined in ivy,Bursting with berried, passionate joys.These ancient days of...

Everlasting Laboring Love

"In the darkness of the night..."

In the darkness of the night,Under the full moon and stars above,I lay watching her breathe as she sleeps,And thank God for her everlasting love.The rise and fall of her mounded chest,Inhaling and exhaling softly its perfect peaks,Shows the beauty...

Morning Kiss

"A Kiss that heals the Soul mending the Heart"

Once I thought the Sun never again would shine upon my skin. Those warm rays that made me thrive with steady beat. For my days were dark, so cold and sad. No smiles adored my lips. The Moon would cradle...

Tarnished Key

"There is only one Key for each Lock"

Walking on the sandy beach, she stepped on something That with a sharp sting pierced her golden brown skin. Bending over a bit too far, she fell upon hands and knees. Looking around she was relieved that only the seagulls...