Hayden and the Moon Maiden

"Opposite attract: it says it all that Leigh is really fucking smart."

“Oh my god! Look at that freak!” Gavin had spotted our neighbor, Leigh, who was out in her backyard with her telescope thingy. Leigh’s sister, Millie, had been in our year at school before the car crash. Drunk driver. She...

In the impenetrable blackness, a patch of the night sky is growing light.There, above the mountain peak, topped with its tangled trees.(The place where once you and your Goddess fucked me, in full view.)We await her arrival, our Goddess Luna.Our...

We lay under the moon,together but apart I picture you lying here with me,Your head upon my heart We share the same desire,to never be apart But my love for you stays tucked away,deep within my heart We long for each other’s touch, even...

Moonlight in the Meadow

"Love should be as simple as a moonlit dance in the meadow."

Meet me in the moonlit meadow,And we will dance under a starry sea,Floating like two fireflies, adriftOn the zephyr of passion’s flutter.Cascade with me through the hillside,Your silken tendrils flowing carefree,As the delicate scent of the wisteria takes us,And pearly...

My soul stills, No waves of emotions. The waters are smooth, Without ripples. There’s a softness, Yet sadness as well.The moon casts his shadow, Across the surface. Light breaking through, Still no movement.Just calmness.Will I drift into oblivion? Or feel the beating of my soul, Coming back, As the shore calls...

The moon calls to me feeding my soul,changing my sight,and letting me see. Every night I roamthe open sea, exploring the depthsthat are within me. Ever corner is lightened. Revealing the dark secretsthat lie in waiting,that was lost in time. The moons light,so hauntingly beautiful,takes me beyond my...

As I drift off to sleepWhile the dark orchid falls over the moonKissing me with his petalsIn the shadows of dreams As it's pollen covets my soul  Chilling me beneath my angora Feeling my soul bloomingSearching for the sun With memories deep within the...

Moonlight come to me Let in your light Take away my troubles Give me a lover's delight  Hungering in earnest I starve for your time Waiting in the wind For your warmth inside  Like a lover's caress You come across my skin Slowly but surely It’s almost a sin Come to me...