The Examination

"Jodi and her doctor find themselves in a sticky situation"

The Examination She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in...

Mechanics Pay

"After helping out my friends with a car problem, I got paid very, very well..."

I know this couple and have been good friends with them for many, many years. The husband, Frank is a couple of years older than me. He’s pretty rough around the edges and at times is downright crude. He’s not...

Oh What a Night

"Friend has sex with wife and hubby"

As I sit here writing, I can recall the event with such clarity that it keeps playing over and over and over in my head, without missing the slightest detail. It was a situation that I would have never believed...

A Valentine Treat

"first but mild threesome"

A Valentine Treat Authored by Franco It was Valentine’s Day 2010 and my husband suggested that we should go to dinner and have a couple of cocktails. The cocktail suggestion kind of knocked me off balance since my husband rarely...

The Midnight Walk

"A nude stroll on the beach gives her an outlet for her arousal, and relief from a lonely life."

Something powerful stirred inside me when I heard the groan of carnal satisfaction over the gentle waves. That something had been trying to return for a while, nudged toward life with every sultry glance and beautiful body that I encountered...